
present animation

saved in half resolution, so many colors are missed
sound editing in iMovie, but unluckily some of them are missed, the final animation would be rendered in premiere ,and more sound effects would be added in!!!

karis: scene3 ____ [ 00:41 - 01:08 ]
puihim: scene0,2,5 ___ [ 00:00 - 00:06 ] ,  [ 00:28 - 00:40] , [ 01:44 - 02:00 (refined by alice)]
kayan: scene4 ___ [ 01:09 - 01:43 ]
alice: scene1 ____ [ 00:07 - 00:28 ] , scene0, 2 & 5 refinement

*we use lucky draw to decided which one do which part.

NOW, Karis and Alice Mainly focus on refining the scenes and Kayan help changing some of the facial problem and PuiHim focus on the presentation materials

posted by karis

