
1st version of the final animation

edited by karis.

sound effects would be refined tmr!!
becox we cannot use sound library outside poly :)

thankssss allllllll <3  


Alice motion

TALK           TALK&WALK            EATING

animation part: scene0 (refined)

final storyboard

draw by Alice
description write by puihim

post by Alice


Time: 16-7-11(Sat), 11 am -  9 pm
Venue: Y7

All:  present, start doing refinements

Karis : doing refinement on the whole animation - combined them in premiere and add sound effects
Kayan : doing refinement on the timetable and the animation breakdown list
             doing other presentation and final report materials
Alice : doing refinement on the whole animation  - combined them in premiere and add sound effects
Pui Him : N/A


Time: 15-7-11(Fri), 11 am - 6 pm
Venue: p core

All:  present, start doing refinements

Karis : search audios on the sound library , made a sound effect in garage band
           doing refinement on scene 1(alice's one) ,scene 0(pui him's one)
Kayan : doing refinement on scene3 (karis's one)
Alice : doing refinement on scene4 (kayan's one) 
Pui Him : do part of the timetable and the animation breakdown list

*we do refinements on other groupmates' scene because the others may
 take account into some problems that we may not found out

*each of the group mate had to pick one to two parts to involve 


Time: 14-7-11(Thur), 10 am - 6 pm
Venue: p core

All: 分工做animation

Karis :  doing scene 3
Kayan :  doing scene 4 and doing presentation powerpoint
Alice :  doing scene1 and doing refinement on scene 0 and scene 5
Pui Him : doing scene 0,2,5


Time: 13-7-11(Wed), 11 am - 6 pm
Venue: p core

All: 分工做animation

Karis : Colored the forest scene, defined the layers
          started doing scene 3
Kayan : started doing scene 4
Alice : started doing scene 1
          finished doing characters' motions

Pui Him : started doing scene2


animation refinement (Scene1)

Refined by karis,
sound effects are not firmed yet, would be adjust tmr,

added a close-up shot for the magic wand part ,also added the magic light, so as to make the 令支針消失呢件事 stronger :)

present animation

saved in half resolution, so many colors are missed
sound editing in iMovie, but unluckily some of them are missed, the final animation would be rendered in premiere ,and more sound effects would be added in!!!

karis: scene3 ____ [ 00:41 - 01:08 ]
puihim: scene0,2,5 ___ [ 00:00 - 00:06 ] ,  [ 00:28 - 00:40] , [ 01:44 - 02:00 (refined by alice)]
kayan: scene4 ___ [ 01:09 - 01:43 ]
alice: scene1 ____ [ 00:07 - 00:28 ] , scene0, 2 & 5 refinement

*we use lucky draw to decided which one do which part.

NOW, Karis and Alice Mainly focus on refining the scenes and Kayan help changing some of the facial problem and PuiHim focus on the presentation materials

posted by karis

Step's comment 15/7

1. Character’s mouth shape can be more detailed
2. More sound effects should be added
3. Treat the bitmap image problem
4. Test more colored version of props
5. Edit the length of animation (our animation is too long)

6. Character's facial expression need to be a bit more detailed
7. Fairy should look at audience while explaining
8. The story distracted the part of knowledge

9. Only final version of the storyboard should be put in the powerpoint

to be continued

animation part


Meeting Agenda

Time: 11-7-11(Mon), 11a.m-5p.m
Venue: Y7&P

refine the script
record the sound of characters


小朋友,你地知唔知道大腦究竟係點樣運作架? 唔知道? Follow me

A: !好得意啊!(delete the sense of smell) 
(A 摘花 刺到手)          
A: 哎呀! 好痛呀!
F: 真係唔小心呀 (fing個魔法棒,支針唔見左 - 2close up shot)
F: (Bling!)
-  F: 你地留唔留意到愛麗斯頭先既反應呢? 如果皮膚收到危險既信號,脊髓就
會即刻比反應 叫我地縮手
 (A, F離場)                                                  
C: 呀呀~
hehe流眼淚 (delete the facial expression of other cactus) ,丫丫見到之後,就有憤怒的眼睛, 拎走埋朵花)

Scene2 – Witch’s house
C: 呀呀~
W: 魔鏡, 邊個傷害我棵仙人掌!  (angry facial expression)
M: 係愛麗斯
W: 我要引佢上黎先得!嘿嘿! (掉豆-close up)

Scene3 – Magic bean
A: 不如上去睇下囉!~(爬魔豆)  (look up at the beanstalk to indicate beanstalk is tall)
F: (無奈)好啦!不過你要小心d呀!
F: (Bling!)
-  F: 愛麗c爬咁高都唔跌落尼,秘訣就係 集中精神 用小腦控制平衡!
W: 嘿嘿! 佢上緊黎啦!

Scene4 – Candy House
A: ! 呢間屋好靚呀~ (88卦卦周圍睇野)
F: (Bling!)
-   F: 小朋友 你地睇到咁繽紛既顏色係因為,眼睛收到既信號會經由腦轉
化為影像…….. (話未說完)
A: !仙 子,仙子, 你睇下!!間屋原來真係糖造架!好好味呀! (食緊糖)
F: (Bling!)
-   *F: 嗯!冇錯啦!舌頭收到信號 就會腦分析, 然後就會感受到不
A: 咦!開左門喎!(奸奸地) (開門)
F: 喂!!!等埋我呀!!! (跟住飛埋入去)

W: (奸笑) 嘿嘿! 你終於上到黎啦!
   你竟然 夠膽 傷害我棵仙人掌!?
A: (驚嚇) 你係邊個呀?
W: 我要將你變成粒糖!! (揮魔杖)
F: 唔好傷害愛麗斯呀!
(慢動作 - F踢開W的手,魔光從魔鏡反射, 誤中自己)
W: !!!!!(變成粒糖)
C: 呀呀~

Last: (2個大頭出現)
A: 嗯~d糖真係好好食呀 (大頭出現在鏡頭)
F: 愛麗斯!你係度又食糖!(跑走)(delete script of decayed tooth->avoid to bring out other impression)

We reduced one sense in scene one,
and simplified some of scripts. 

Karis : Colored the forest scene
Kayan : Props drawing (brain sheet)
Alice : Drew the new storyboard
Pui Him : Found the reference of brain



*A: , 舊野好得意呀!

(A摘花 刺到手)
A: 哎呀!
F: 你冇事呀麻? 等我幫你啦~
*A: 好野, 唔痛喇.

F: (Bling!)
F: 而皮膚感受到痛楚脊髓就會即刻比反應叫你縮手
 (A, F離場)

C: 呀呀~

Scene2 – Witch’s house
C: 呀呀~
W: 豈有此理, 魔鏡, 邊個傷害我棵仙人掌!
M: 係愛麗斯
*W: 我要引佢上黎先得! 嘿嘿! (掉豆)

Scene3 – Magic bean
A: ! 好高呀!~ 等我上去睇下先!~ (爬魔豆)
F: 好危險架, 落返黎啦~
A: 哈哈, 我咁勇敢, 唔怕既

F: (Bling!)
F: 運動就要靠小腦控制平衡

W: 嘿嘿!

Scene4 – Candy House
F: 等埋我呀公主
*A: ! 呢間屋好靚呀~ (A羅糖食)
*A: !好甜呀!

F: (Bling!)
*F: 眼睛收到既信號經由腦轉化為影像
*F: 舌頭收到既信號就會腦分析, 然後你就會感受到味道

A: 唔知入面有咩糖食呢?~ (開門)
F: 等陣先呀公主, (你唔可以亂咁入人地間屋架)..

*W: (奸笑) 嘿嘿! 你終於上到黎啦!
A: (驚嚇) 你係邊個呀?
W: 我要將你變成粒糖!! (揮魔杖)
F: 等我黎!
(F踢開W的手,魔光從魔鏡反射, 誤中自己)
W: !!!!!(變成粒糖)
C: 呀呀~

A: ! 糖呀, 唔知好唔好味架呢? =P